Wir waren so frei …

Moments in Time 1989-1990: Exhibtion Catalogue

The exhibition reflects the richness of photos in the time of changes between May 1989 to December 1990 by the means of photo, film and television. In this multi-media project films and photos of private persons, video installations on TV reports and parts of east- and west- German documentary films are shown. This collection of private material will be kept alive and permanently expanded in internet archives. We create the graphic concept for the Exhibition Catalogue and design the whole content.

Wir warren so frei
The introductory essays will be full of pictures.

Wir warren so frei
Large-scale lead pages open up the individual themes.

Wir warren so frei
The character of the private photography will be maintained as much as possible.

Wir warren so frei
Every picture of moment will be separately presented in word and picture.

Wir waren so frei

Flipbook (Excerpts) clickable

The exhibition will also be shown in Paris.