Feldenkrais Berlin

Responsive Web Design and Programming

Feldenkrais Berlin is a network of qualified Feldenkrais practitioners in Berlin-Brandenburg. The association is looking for a way to make the Feldenkrais method known to contemporary manner to the public. In addition, the provider of the region are to be found faster and better. We develop a individual, flexible solution and program an adaptive web design.

Feldenkrais Berlin Webauftritt
All contents are displayed in their best possible way, regardless of device, screen size or operating system.

Feldenkrais Berlin Webauftritt
Also the navigation flexibly adapts: in the desktop mode it is left, in tablet mode up and on a smartphone mode reduced to a Navicon with sidebar navigation.

The representation of providers in the tile design is the core of the site. They can be found faster and better by entering names, districts or post codes.

A solution to more contacts and better communication.