Guter Rat

Concept and Redesign of the magazine

The area of expansion of the consumer magazine “Guter Rat” will be widened. The whole magazine will be redesigned to meet the demands of new target group. Hereby it is important to encourage the curiosity of new readers as well as to maintain the recognition value for the former group of readers.

Guter Rat
Guter Rat
Guter Rat
Guter Rat
The redesigned cover layout emphazises the value of the magazine. By a cleverand clear structuring of text and pictures, charts and open information boxes we lead the quick reader as well as the reader interested in details through the content.

A special colour coding system assists in quickly finding the focus of interest. Two special fonts varied by different type styles ensure the optical coherence of the pages full of illustrations.

We implement the Design, work out templates inclusive of a system of stylesheets and teach editors in using them.

Market research prove for the successful implementation in different parts of Germany. The magazine “Guter Rat” is a fixed value at the magazine market.